2021 Royalty
Meet all of the 2021 titleholders.
2021 National Court | 2021 State Courts | 2021 Northwestern NC Preliminary | 2021 Northwestern SC Preliminary | 2021 Southeastern SC Preliminary | 2021 Southeastern NC Preliminary
National Court 2021
Meet Our 2021 Coastal Carolina State Court

Mia Hinton
Baby Miss Coastal Carolina
Mia-Grace is 10 months old and the first born grand baby. She is the joy of the family and enjoys watching Coco Melon. She has a dog named Prince and she loves watching him chase his tail. Mia comes from a family of pageant girls and has a village of supporters who is looking forward to her journey as Baby Miss Coastal Carolina Elite Southern Charms. We are still working on figuring our her platform but service is definitely in her DNA. She is the daughter of Miya and Gerald Hinton.

Clara Miller
Mini Miss Coastal Carolina
Clara Miller is the daughter of Hannah & Matt Miller. She is the youngest of her siblings, born in September. She lives in Kershaw, South Carolina. Clara loves playing with her older sister & brother. She loves animals of all kinds and loves being outdoors. Clara is a very silly little girl and loves to laugh. She has the biggest brightest personality and makes everyone around her smile.

Paris Batten
Paris is the mother of three wonderful children- Kaeson, Lyndon and Genieva. She is also the loving spouse to Jordan Batten of Troy, NC. Paris loves to paint and enjoy nature. She is a licenced phlebotomist and works as an in home aid for her local clients. Paris is going back to school to pursue a career in medical laboratory technology. Paris is eager to see what this year brings as Elite Southern Charms MS. Coastal Carolina 2021.

Thomas Huey
Coastal Carolina King
Thomas is the 4 year old son of Rhonda and Charles. Thomas enjoys dressing up as ninjas, playing his drum set, and wrestling his big brother Noah. Thomas shows loyalty and dependability.
Meet Our East Coast Court

Lillie Randall
Mini Miss East Coast
Lillie Randall is the 3 year old daughter of Kyle and Carmen Randall. Lillie loves to be on stage, where she can let her personality truly shine! Along with competing in pageants, Lillie also loves participating in “Lillie and Mary’s Lemonade Stand,” where she and her sister sell lemonade at events and donate money to local nonprofits.

Roxanne Clark
Teen Miss East Coast
Roxanne is 16 yrs old and attends South Caldwell High School in Hudson, NC. She loves music and loves to sing. Her Dad is a local musician and she loves to sing with him. Thanks to pageants, Roxanne has had many opportunities to sing the National Anthem at semi-pro Baseball games and at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Roxanne looks forward to representing the East Coast at Nationals in 2022!
Georgia State Court

Chassidy Fowler
Little Miss Georgia
Chassidy Nicole Fowler was born in Atlanta, Ga on February 13th 2017. She’s the youngest of 4 children. Chassidy loves her weekly manicure and pedicure. She is a very outspoken person who loves to stay busy helping mom and dad around the house and helping other family members.
Chassidy is very talented, she loves flipping and show casing her flexibility. Mimicking her big sister during her gymnastics practice, which is what gave mom and dad the idea of putting her in gymnastics. Chassidy has been in gymnastics for the past 2 years, moving up from beginner classes to auditioning for a team. One of her biggest inspirations is her big sister who is on a level 3 gymnastics team.
Kentucky State Court

Ella Charlotte Wilson
Little Miss Kentucky
Ella Charlotte is the 6 year old daughter of Savannah DeFils Rodriguez-Arellano. She has three dogs named Tardis, Toff and Taquito. She is in the first grade at Marshall elementary and loves math and art. Ella Charlotte attends St. Francis of Assissi Catholic Church where she loves to sing in the children's choir.
Her favorite things to do are sing, draw and paint, travel, and play with her animals. She wants to be a veterinarian and a chef. Her favorite color is pink and she loves everything sparkly. Ella Charlotte loves making friends, helping others in need, spending time with her family and rescuing hurt animals.
One of Ella Charlotte's favorite pageant quotes says "Crowns aren't made of rhinestones, they are made of discipline, determination and a hard to find alloy called courage ".

Shalora Neely
Teen Miss Kentucky
Shalora Neely is the daughter of Donnie and Nicole Neely. She is from Eastern KY were she is a full time college student. Shalora is majoring in Biology/ pre-med in hopes of becoming a pediatric intensive care doctor. In her free time she likes to dance, run, play with her pets, participate in leadership camps and volunteer. She has accumulated over 700 community service hours in the past couple years. Shalora’s platform is “Healthy Smiles Go Miles”. She goes to local elementary schools and teaches the importance of healthy smiles and good dental hygiene as well as provide the students with the necessary supplies through generous donations of supporters.

Nicole Neely
Elite Ms Neely
Nicole is a wife and a mother of two wonderful children, Shalora and Calan. She currently resides in Harlan, Kentucky. Nicole is employed by Harlan County Schools, where she teaches 3rd grade math and science at Black Mountain Elementary. She is beginning her twenty fifth year of teaching. Nicole loves teaching because it gives her the opportunity to help children become positive and productive citizens. Nicole enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends, exercising and crafting. Her favorite place to vacation is Disney World!
Massachusetts State Court

Gabriella Smith
Little Miss Massachusetts
Gabriella is our fierce little 6 year old girl! She loves getting all dolled up for pageants and seeing what new creations grandma makes for her to wear. When she isn't on stage you can find the grappling princess on the mats doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu and muay thai where she also competes at tournaments. Gabriella has a deep love for animals, she loves connecting with horses weekly during her riding lessons and sings to them. Her favorite animal is a squirrel and has to leave food out for the back yard squirrels daily. Gabby loves helping her community wildlife by always collecting donations for items the wildlife rescues and rehab need.
Meet Our 2021 North Carolina State Court

Molly Hartless
Baby Miss North Carolina
Molly Hartless is the daughter of Timothy Hartless and Sarah Inman. She was a pandemic baby born in Concord, North Carolina. Molly is often shy but silly and loves all her furry friends like her pet dogs Peyton and Moose. Molly enjoys going to Dance, spending time with her cousins, and volunteering with her pageant sisters. Molly is excited for what this year will bring as Elite Southern Charms Baby Miss North Carolina 2021!

Elizabella Bouldin
Toddler Miss North Carolina
Elizabella Bouldin is 22 months old and is the daughter of Anthony and Candis. She lives in Hope Mills NC. She is called Bella for short. Bella just started doing pageants when she turned one. She loves baby dolls, coloring, and running away from mommy. She has a pet fish named princess and her favorite food is Mac and cheese and Strawberries.

Faith Payne
Mini Miss North Carolina
Faith is 4 years old and has been doing pageants for over two years. She’s very outgoing and loves to meet new people. She has a smile that will light up the room. Faith loves being apart of her Community. She loves going around with her sister and collecting used clothes to take to her local orphanage. She also raises money for her local animal shelter. Faith loves to sing and dance and If you are ever sad she loves being apart of an amazing sister hood. Faiths biggest hero is her momma. She can’t wait to see where this journey of 2021 Elite Southern Charms takes her.

Ja'quarius Kiser
King North Carolina
Ja’quarius Kiser is the 5 year old son of Jonique and Ratico Kiser, and is from Harrisburg, NC. He loves to play football and basketball while enjoying video Games with his brothers and sister. He started doing pageants With his sister to show that it’s not just a girl thang boys can do it to. He is in Pre-K going to kindergarten, he is your 2021 Elite Southern charm North Carolina King.

Brooklyn Adcock
Little Miss North Carolina
Brooklyn Adcock is 4 years old and lives in Asheboro NC. She has a dog named Nelly and a cat named Tiger Lily. She loves to do pageants and dance. She loves making other people smile and laugh. Her favorite color is pink and she loves all of the Disney princesses.

Isabella Morton
Petite Miss North Carolina
Izzy is 9 years old and in 3rd grade. She has an older sister who is also a fellow Queen. Izzy loves her animals and getting muddy while riding her go-kart. Her favorite thing is going to church to learn more about God! She cares most about giving back to her friends, family and community!

Jasmine Menis
Preteen Miss North Carolina
Jasmine Garryn Victoria Menis is 10 years old and from “Vashti” NC. She was “born country” with a love of all animals, especially dogs. She loves rescuing dogs and has her own rescue kennel along with her Poppy and 19 year old brother, Jamie. They have had as many as 11 dogs at the kennel at once. Jasmine has 5 dogs of her own, all named after NY Yankees baseball players. Jasmine also loves recycling, a passion handed down from her great grandmother and her Mimi. She loves helping others in many different ways. Jasmine loves competitive Cheer, tumbling, any sport involving water, and especially the lake and ocean. She has even been diving with the sharks protected in a cage in Hawaii. At home, she enjoys FaceTime with her friends and playing with her dogs. Jasmine is beyond excited to be an Elite Southern Charms Queen and can’t wait to start spending time with her sister Queens.

Stephani Morton
Junior Teen Miss North Carolina
Stephani is 14 years old and in 8th grade. She has a little sister who is a fellow Queen with her. Stephani is passionate about 3 things: 1. Her relationship with God 2. Her family 3. Giving back. For fun, Stephani loves to play with all our animals, ride 4-wheelers and getting muddy. Stephani is a competitive Marksman along with her father.

Briana Perdue
Teen Miss North Carolina & Ambassador
Briana is your 2021 Elite Southern Charms North Carolina Ambassador and Teen Miss! She is a full time student at UNC Charlotte and works full time at McKenzie Sports Products in Albemarle NC! Most of Briana's free time is spent at the gym, volunteering with EMS, reading her favorite series (Harry Potter) and spending time with her family and dog Buster! As the North Carolina Ambassador she is creating a community service based initiative called “The Green Ribbon Project”. This is an initiative to create more mental health awareness in teenagers and young adults! Briana will be going to schools to host seminars, start fundraisers for local non-profits and sharing tips on how she manages her own mental health on social media!

Tamara Peterson
Elite Ms
Tamara has been married to her soulmate for 38 years. Her husband Bill is the reason she is now a “native by adoption” to North Carolina. As a child her father was in the military. It only makes sense she would fall in love with an Air Force officer were she traveled abroad only to return to his hometown in North Carolina to raise their three loving children, and now two wonderful and adorable granddaughters. Now known as Nana, Tamara is the owner/operator of the families almost 70-year-old Dairy Queen. Tamara has been very blessed in her almost 64 years of life. From teaching English in Japan, working as a Justice of the Peace and in the Family Court system for the State of New Hampshire, as a Guardian Ad Litem for the State of North Carolina to singing in her church choir.
Some of Tamara’s favorite accomplishments during her long life is the mentoring of many, many young adults as they enter for the first time into the workforce. It is an unreal feeling to watch them grow up, finish their education, and return with their children and their accomplishments. It warms you heart. Tamara is also proud of the wonderful and extraordinarily successful Girl Scout Troop that she helped start with her neighbor, with many of the Scouts receiving their Silver and Gold awards. Tamara herself was honored to receive the Pines of Carolina Silver Pinecone Award. Tamara was also humbled and honored in 2020 by the Richard Clinton Chapter of the D.A.R. when they awarded her with “The National Society of The Daughter of the American Revolution Certificate of Excellence in Community Service.”
Tamara loves to work with her horses, a relative new passion. She has rescued and fostered so many animals of various types over the years that everyone has lost count! Other hobbies include Needle point which she learned from her grandmother. And she is a true “Foodie.” Family and God are everything to Tamara and she is honored to work with such a wonderful group of charitable and talented people as the Elite Southern Charms Family.

Bella King
Mini Grand Supreme North Carolina
Bella King is a 3 year old firecracker who lights up a room, her birthday is July 1st! From the small town of Greensboro, NC. Bella can’t wait for the world to know her name. Bella loves to play with her babies, cook in her kitchen and color. Her favorite foods are macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets and fries! You can’t forget her soda with her happy meals that is her favorite part. Elite southern charms was Bella’s very first pageant, ever since then she has conquered the crown on every platform she has came in contact with. By the Grace of God, Bella will continue to achieve all her pageant goals and leave a little sparkle everywhere she goes!

Autumn Allen
Grand Supreme North Carolina
Autumn is the 15 year old daughter of Payton and Jennifer Allen. Autumn is the oldest of 3 children. Her brothers are Jordyn which is 11 and Jase who is 7. She has a burning passion for History and Forensic Science. In her community she is know to be very helpful,from opening doors for strangers to making events for people in need. During the week you can find Autumn at school learning, at cheer practice or even spiriting away at football games. On the weekends you can find her with her bestfriends or at a peagent. Some hobbies of Autumns are Cheerleading, Art, Designing, and Shopping!

Dr. Renita Webb
Ultimate Grand Supreme North Carolina
Dr. Renita L. Webb is a native of Durham, NC. She is an educator, minister, wife, mother, speaker, singer, actress, dancer, and mentor. Dr. Webb holds three degrees: BA English, MEd Education Administration, and PhD Leadership in Education Administration. She has served in many educational roles from teacher to principal to college professor.
Dr. Webb is an Educational Leadership Strategist. She helps leaders increase their authenticity, empower their "follow"ship, and make a greater impact. Dr. Renita is also the Founder of The Refining Life, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Authoress of Stepmom: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs (1st and 2nd Edition) and While You Are Sleeping.
Dr. Webb is happy to serve as your ESC NC Ultimate Grand Supreme. Her platform is Rise and Shine. She wants people to know though they may fall they can always rise up and while they are up there, shine!

Dereonna Kiser
People's Choice North Carolina
Dereonna kiser is 10 years old from Harrisburg,NC she is in the 4th grade going to the 5th at Stoney Creek Elementary. She is the only daughter of Ratico and Jonique Kiser. She has 3 brothers Ratico jr 17, Ja’quarius 5, and KingDarius 2. She loves to dance and sing while spending most of her time playing with her brothers and going to girls scout as an brownie, she loves to do pageants she say when she do pageant it an time away from the boys and only girl have fun doing it she loves making new friends and having an ever lasting friendship with them. She said when she gets older she wants to be an basketball player and an dancer. This is Dereonna Kiser your new 2021 Elite Southern Charms North Carolina People’s Choice.
Meet Our 2021 Old North State Court

Adylynn Mitchell
Mini Miss Old North State
Adylynn is a sassy 2 year old, that lives in Marion NC. She has a personality that is bigger than she is. She loves her baby dolls and playing with her sisters. She loves dancing to any kind of music. Her favorite drink is chocolate milk, and her favorite thing to eat is yogurt. It is hard to say what she will be when she grows up, but I know she will do great things.

Maggie Collins
Teen Miss Old North State
Maggie is a sophomore at East Carolina University. She is an exercise physiology major and hopes to go to physical therapy school. She has been a competitive dancer for 14 years and loves to dance! She also enjoys swimming and is currently working as a lifeguard. In her free time, she likes to read and play with her cat, Nova. She is very excited to be apart of ESC!

Ashleigh Johns
Mrs Old North State
In 2009, Ashleigh graduated from Basic Law Enforcement Training with a Criminal Justice Degree. She discovered that her goal in life was to make a difference.
In 2012, she became a Corporal, and in 2013 she became a K9 handler. Working in many different areas of the department allowed her to find her true passion. She realized the problem of drug use was starting much earlier in teen’s lives, and unfortunately the age became younger and younger. Ashleigh had worked as a Habilitation technician before becoming a Law Enforcement Officer. Her eyes were truly opened for the first time while she worked as a HabTech. She met a troubled teen and formed a relationship with her that forever changed her view on this ever-growing problem. She realized then that if she started working with younger teens, she could help teach strong work ethic and confidence in a safe environment. So Ashleigh left her dream job and began working at her family business that employs mainly youth. This way, she has found a way to try to make a difference by potentially saving the futures of young adults and teens. Because she loves working as a Law Enforcement Officer and with youth, Ashleigh is now also a 911 dispatcher. She finally found her true passion in helping the youth. She hopes her passion will inspire young girls to follow their own dreams. Being a Law Enforcement Officer is just one way that Ashleigh gives back to her community, and she hopes younger girls use their passions to help the community as well.
Her passion has also led her to help our four legged friends. She rescues working dog breeds from shelters and finds wonderful homes for them. Ashleigh loves spending time with her retired K9, three rescue dogs, her wonderful husband, their beautiful three year old daughter, and their horses... when they don’t try and buck her off!
Needless to say, Ashleigh feels she has been blessed with the opportunity to follow her dream and make a difference. She hopes to inspire not only young girls, but everyone, to follow their passions, fulfill their dreams and make a positive difference. Ashleigh is proud to be with Elite Southern Charm as your 2021 Mrs. Old North State!
Meet Our 2021 Palmetto State Court

Chloe Drifts
Little Miss Palmetto State
Chloe is the 5 year old daughter of Jeromy and Brittney Drafts of Leesville, SC. She is kindergartener and lives on a family farm. She enjoys playing with her dolls, being outside and gymnastics. She is active in her church and is always eager to others in need.

Noah Huey
Palmetto State King
Noah is the 7 years old son of Rhonda and Charles. He enjoys reading chapter books, swimming and riding horses, playing with little brother Thomas. Noah is intelligent, honest, and a young fellow who was born with autism. Noah has a beautiful spirit and has a thirst for knowledge. Noah is his family’s SUPERHERO!

Scretta Hamilton
Miss Palmetto State
Scretta Hamilton is a native of Albemarle, North Carolina but was raised in Midland, North Carolina. She is a Minister, Actress, Model and Author. Scretta graduated from Valor University, under the leadership of Pastor Rod Parsley, with a diploma in Evangelism Studies and Life Christian University with a diploma in Theology. She also graduated from one of the most reputable talent development industry, which is AMTC (Actors, Models, Talent for Christ), in Atlanta Georgia. This ministry launches performers into media and expose them to VIPs in film, fashion, music and theatre. This was an amazing portal that pushed her closer towards her dream. After being accepted in AMTC, Scretta knew there was more to her than the ordinary, she was extraordinary. She then audition for John Casablancas and got signed with their agency MTM. She uses her passion, such as ministry, modeling and acting, as a platform to empower everyone she comes into contact with. She is the author of the book, "The blessing of pain." This book is her testimony on how she went from broken to restored, through obedience in God's word. Her motto is "every opportunity is a good opportunity, to empower someone." She is honored to serve as your Miss Palmetto State.
Meet Our 2021 South Carolina State Court

Beautifull Huey
Baby Miss South Carolina
Beautifull Goddess is the daughter of Myleka Huey and the grandbaby of Rosalyn Mccauley. Beautifull is a minion who likes to help her mom and grandmother by not helping. She likes to pull out the pots and pans and climb in the dishwasher in her freetime. Beautifull is a goof ball like her mom and laughs all day. She is truly a sweetheart and makes everyone smile.

Genieva Batten
Toddler Miss South Carolina
Genieva Batten is the daughter of Paris Batten and Jordan Batten. She is the last born of her siblings born in August of 2019. Genieva is often shy but silly and loves all her family and pets, especially her pup Delilah. Genieva enjoys dancing to "Let It Go" soundtrack and being fun of life and laughter. Genieva is excited for what this year will bring as Elite Southern Charms Toddler Miss South Carolina 2021!

Lyndon Hinson
Mini Miss South Carolina
Lyndon Hinson is the daughter of Paris Batten and Jordan Batten. She is the middle child of her siblings born in November of 2017. Lyndon is often outgoing and spunky and full of life. Lyndon enjoys dancing to "Let It Go" soundtrack as well as singing Lyndon is excited for what this year will bring as Elite Southern Charms Mini Miss South Carolina 2021!

Harper Donahue
Little Miss South Carolina
Harper Grace is the five year old daughter of James & Tiffany Donahue. She lives in Wagener, SC with her parents, and brothers, Harrison and Hamilton. Harper is in the 4K program at her school, where she loves spending her days with her friends, while always learning something new. Harper Grace loves dancing, playing t-ball, crafts, traveling, spending time with her family and friends, and all things Disney princess. She is looking forward to spending the year with her pageant family and giving back to the community.

Marico McClure
King South Carolina
Marico is the 7 year old Son of Alicia Hollon and Rico McClure. Marico is currently in the 2nd grade. He is the youngest of his 5 siblings. He enjoys riding his dirt bike, fishing, swimming, and playing with his puppy Nala. Marico plans to join the Army and serve his country when he grows up.

Kinsey Welch
Petite Miss South Carolina
Kinsey is 10 years old and has been competing in pageants for a little over 2 years now. She is currently in the 4th grade and plans on becoming a knee and elbow doctor one day. She is the youngest daughter of Mark and Stephanie Welch. Her older sister is currently on the ESC National Court. Kinsey loves to volunteer & help people in need. In her spare time, Kinsey enjoys dance, cheer, tumble and playing tennis. She is known by friends and family as kind, silly, helpful and a little sassy. If you need a laugh, she’s your girl. Kinsey is excited to be an Elite Southern Charms State Queen and can't wait for all the memories and adventures to begin!

Nevaeh McClure
Preteen Miss South Carolina
Nevaeh is the 10 year old daughter of Alicia Hollon and Rico McClure. Nevaeh is currently in the 4th grade. She has 4 brothers & 1 sister. She enjoys Cheerleading, Crafting, reading and playing with her puppy Nala. When she grows up Nevaeh plans to be a Marine Biologist because she loves the Ocean. Nevaeh is excited to represent South Carolina because she loves going to South Carolina Beaches.

Hannah Moore
Junior Teen Miss South Carolina
Hannah Moore is the 13 year old daughter of Ashley and Brett Melton and Ted Moore. She holds the title of Elite Southern Charms Junior Teen Miss South Carolina and is the Humanitarian award winner. She has been competing in pageants since she was 7 months old. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family, playing softball, and also getting lost in a good book.

Brayden Short
Teen Miss South Carolina
Brayden is the 19 year old daughter of Jemma and Bryan Short. She was born in South Carolina and raised in North Carolina. Brayden is currently a full time student at Western Carolina University majoring in Special Education Teaching and is also on the WCU cheerleading team. In her free time Brayden likes hanging out with friends, family and volunteering in her community. Brayden’s favorite quote is “Carpe Diem ” which means seize the day, she aspires to live her life to the fullest with ever day that God gives her, her Aunt Hannah tough her at a young age to seize the day and to cherish ever moment. Brayden is very honored to be your Elite Southern Charms Teen Miss South Carolina 2021 and can wait to enjoy every moment of it with her pageant family.

Connie Hudson
Ms South Carolina
Connie Hudson has been happily married for the last 25 years to Ron and together they have three beautiful daughters: Olivia, Graci and Kayleigh.
For the past 27 years she has worked in the medical field.
Her hobbies include singing, reading, fill-in puzzles, spending time at the beach and with her family. Her family would agree that she puts others before herself. She has always placed herself on the back burner. Her plan is to take this opportunity to build my her self-esteem and confidence. She has never been in a position like this before and is looking forward to this journey with her sister queens.

Hadleigh Clayton
Mini Grand Supreme South Carolina
Hadleigh Clayton is the 10 month old daughter of Channing and April Clayton. She lives in
Reidville, South Carolina. Hadleigh loves doing anything with her sister and two brothers. She
also loves animals. She loves music and dancing! Playing outside is one of her favorite things
and meeting new people is another. Hadleigh is excited to spend this year representing Elite
Southern Charms as the 2021 South Carolina Mini Grand Supreme. She can’t wait to serve her
community doing service projects this year.

Saylor Cruz
Grand Supreme South Carolina
Saylor Cruz is 8 years old and in the 2 nd Grade where she attends Tega Cay Elementary School. She is an
only child but has two fur siblings, Hannah a French Bulldog and Tanner a Chihuahua. Saylor loves to
play soccer, dance, watch Moriah Elizabeth on Youtube, and Play Among Us with friends on her iPad.
Saylor has been competing in pageants since she was 6 months old. She has placed Top 15
Internationally, has held 10 state titles, and competed in over 100 pageants. Saylor’s favorite area of
pageant competition is Fun Fashion because she feels she can look glamorous and show off her sassy
personality. When she is not competing in pageants Saylor also enjoys drawing and singing. Saylor
platform is Give Hope Global. She loves packing care packages for those in need and sending them to
Haiti. Saylor is so excited for this upcoming year with her Elite Southern Charms sister queens and can’t
wait to start building bonds and making life long memories.

Angel Bridgers
Ultimate Grand Supreme & Ambassador South Carolina
Angel Bridgers is the 13 Daughter of Timothy and Tiffany Bridgers , she has 2 older sisters and two older
brothers and a brand new niece Mia-Grace. Angel attends Rolesville Academy as a 7 th grade honor
student. She is a member of Junior Beta , Jr. Honor Society. Her hobbies include Pageants , Vlogging,
shopping and writing poetry. She has been involved in community service since she was 5 years old
and really became dedicated at the age of 8 and began to actually lead service projects. Her first service
project was Hats for the Homeless, she collected hats , scarves and blankets for the homeless
communities and shelters and that project still remains active to date. Angel has collected over 2000
hats and scarves to donate.

Landrie Parker
People's Choice South Carolina
Landrie is a sassy 9 year old from Albemarle NC. When she isn't doing pageants she enjoys spending time with her family, cheerleading, riding her go kart, and playing with her pets. Landrie loves doing pageants because she has made so many friends and gained confidence she can use throughout the rest of her life. She fully believes beauty shines from the inside out and wants to use her platform to let all girls know they are beautiful!
Meet Our 2021 Tarheel State Court

Eleanor Icenhour
Toddler Miss Tarheel State
Eleanor Mae Icenhour is 11 months old and is the daughter of Cory and Macey Icenhour. She lives in Lenoir, NC. Most people know her as Ellie Mae. She loves pageants, dancing to CoCoMelon, playing kitchen and coloring. She has a small dog named Annie. Some of her favorite foods are Puffcorn, Goldfish and Muffins. Eleanor Mae is excited to see what this year holds and she is also excited to be crowned your 2021 Toddler Miss Tarheel State!

Amelia-Katherine Johns
Mini Miss Tarheel State
Amelia-Katherine is the 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johns. Amelia has been blessed with several adopted siblings; all with either 4 paws or hooves. Amelia is fearless when it comes to animals. She loves and cares for every animal that her family rescues for rehoming or rehabilitation.
At the early age of 16 months, Amelia found her passion in music and dance at (To The Point Academy of Dance) where she has been amazing her teachers with her passion and constant growth. Amelia is kind hearted and thoroughly enjoys helping people. She loves to make friends everywhere she goes and hopes to make everyone smile. To Amelia, everyone is a friend, and she loves to show it by eagerly giving back to her community.
Amelia-Katherine is so excited for a chance to be back on court with Elite Southern Charms as your Mini Miss Tarheel State, while also making more incredible friends in such an amazing atmosphere.

Noelle Smith
Little Miss Tarheel State
Noelle Vivian Smith is a dynamic 4 year old from Hamptonville, NC. She is active in her community, a star soccer player, and member of the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church's Youth Choir. Noelle loves to paint, perform music, and attend her ballet class. She looks forward to a wonderful year as your Little Miss Tarheel State 2021.
Ellis-Carter Bouldin
Tarheel State King
Ellis is 4 years old he enjoys collecting rocks and taking karate lessons. He is the child of Anthony and Candis. His favorite color is red. Ellis-Carter lives in Hope Mills NC. He also enjoys dressing up as superheroes from The Avengers.

Mykyah Mitchell
Petite Miss Tarheel State
Mykyah is a vibrant 8 year old, that lives in Marion NC. She has a deep love of animals, and wants to become a veterinarian when she grows up. She has been doing pageants since she was 3 years old, and is most at home when she is on stage. She truly is a social butterfly and has no problem making new friends everywhere she goes.

Layla Keener
Preteen Miss Tarheel State
Layla is eleven years old and will start middle school in August 2021. She lives in Mount Holly, NC, with her parents and younger brother Zac. She also has two dogs - Ozzie (a golden doodle) and Dash (an Aussie doodle). She absolutely loves competitive cheer and has been doing it since she was old enough to join a team. She loves helping others and showing them God’s love. She is always so encouraging to those around her. She is excited to be ESC's Preteen Miss Tarheel State!
Kara Hutchens
Teen Miss Tarheel State
Kara Hutchens is the 16 year old daughter of Danny and Melissa Hutchens of Yadkinville. She is a rising Junior at Forbush High School and will also be attending Surry Community College through her high school to obtain her Cosmetology Degree. Kara also works full time at a local daycare where she gets to help mold some sweet sweet children. Kara Is thrilled to be able to represent Elite Southern Charms as their 2021 Tarheel Teen Miss

Abigail Adcock
Miss Tarheel State
Abigail is a 26 year old from Fairview, NC and is a behavioral TA at Bradford prep. She loves helping the tougher kids because she believes every child deserves to have a chance at succeeding and to feel loved and accepted in school. The person she looks up to the most is her brother, Hunter. Hunter is special needs and has been through so many surgeries, hard trials and has gone through them with a smile on his face. To Abigail, he is definitely the toughest person she knows. Abigail loves to hunt, fish, kayak, and spend time with her family and friends. She looks forward to serving her community and her state this year!

Victoria Shapiro
Mrs Tarheel State
Hello, my name is Victoria Layton Shapiro and I am your 2021 Mrs. Elite Southern Charms Tarheel State Queen! I am 25 years old and was born and raised in Concord, NC but I currently reside in Albemarle with my husband, Micah Shapiro. I attended Catawba College and graduated with my Bachelor of Arts degree in music with a concentration in Vocal Performance and Worship Arts. I am currently finishing up my Masters studies and will soon have my Master’s degree in Worship Studies from Liberty University. Since graduating college, I have interned with the Walt Disney World company for 1 year where I worked in Animal Kingdom at River of Lights the night time spectacular and Kali River Rapids the water ride. I also transferred to EPCOT where I worked at Test Track. I currently work at Catawba College as an Admissions Counselor and have been here serving my alma mater for 2 years now! My dream is to become a faculty member teaching Voice and working with the Worship Arts students. I look forward to a wonderful year!
2021 Tennessee State Court

Janelle Hussey
Toddler Miss Tennessee
Janelle Zuri Hussey (first name means: God is gracious. Middle name means: beautiful; good)
She is 1 years old born February 21st 2020! Attends daycare in TN so she get to come to work with mommy every day! She loves playing with bubbles, her friends at day care, big brother, and her cousin emery, she loves doing her pageants
And spending time with mommy and daddy! Favorite show is the wiggles, favorite food beef noodles. Favorite person: well that’s a hard one for her to chose it would probably be mommy or her daddy. Her mom and dad are Bre Peiffer and Shane Yarbrough! She has the most contagious smile and loves to dance!
Meet Our 2021 Northwestern North Carolina Preliminary Court

Eleanor Icenhour
Baby Miss

Ember Furr
Toddler Miss

King Darius Kiser

Eliza Allison
Mini Miss

Evie Bissett
Little Miss

Andrea Grismer
Petite Miss

Lacy Andrews
Preteen Miss

Madison Smith
Junior Teen Miss

Anna Davis
Teen Miss

Emily Huneycutt

Thomas Huey
Mini Grand Supreme

Reign Webb
Grand Supreme

Montgomery Ayres
Ultimate Grand Supreme

Rion Webb
Photogenic Winner
Director's Cho
Meet Our 2021 Northwestern South Carolina Preliminary Court

Isabelle Ashton
Baby Miss

Bobbi-Lynne Collins
Toddler Miss

Braylie Hoover
Mini Miss
Photogenic Winner

Willow Cothran
Little Miss

Kiylee Galloway
Petite Miss

Kara Justice
Preteen Miss

Abbikate Daughtry
Junior Teen Miss

Kayleigh Hudson
Teen Miss

Abby Perdue
Humanitarian Winner

Hadleigh Chapman
Mini Grand Supreme (0-6)

Atiya Johnson
Grand Supreme (7+)
People's Choice Winner

Amie Sidberry
Ultimate Grand Supreme (Overall)
Meet Our 2021 Southeastern South Carolina Preliminary Court

Brynleigh Bailey
Baby Miss

Daisy Stoudemayer
Toddler Miss
Humanitarian Winner

Mary Byrd
Mini Miss

Dynasty Funderburk
Little Miss

La’Niaya Jones
Petite Miss

Arrow Santiago-Williams

August McDowell
Mini Grand Supreme (0-6)

Layla Wright
Grand Supreme (7+)

Lillie Randall
Ultimate Grand Supreme (Overall)
People's Choice
Photogenic Winner
Meet Our 2021 Southeastern North Carolina Preliminary Court

Eva Broome
Toddler Miss

Montgomery Swaim
Mini Miss
Humanitarian Winner

Brooklyn Bassett
Little Miss

Kassidy Hollon
Petite Miss

Susie Cerulli
Teen Miss

Hillari Thompson

Michele Morton
Elite Ms

Emma Jo Kyles
Mini Grand Supreme (0-6)

Harper Rickards
Grand Supreme (7+)

Caroline Myers-Ashing
Ultimate Grand Supreme (Overall)
Photogenic Winner

Jillian Speights
People's Choice Winner